Biennale Arte 2022 - Republic of Korea ‘Gyre’

Discover The Republic of Korea’s pavilion, titled ‘Gyre’ at the 2022 Biennale Arte ‘The Milk of Dreams’.

In the infinite cycles of creation and extinction, it gyrates and descends; this theme permeates everything from energy to matter, life, and the universe – the cycles are ubiquitous and ever-present. The exhibition Gyre explores the world as a labyrinth, where there are both motion in stillness and stillness in motion, embracing nonhuman objects and material reality. Based on the artist – Yunchul Kim’s transdisciplinary research into literature, mythology, philosophy, and science, he creates a universe within the Korean Pavilion, where his pataphysical installations continuously metamorphoses and are affected by cosmic events, atmosphere, light, and nature.

Commissioner: Arts Council Korea
Curator: Youngchul Lee
Exhibitor: Yunchul Kim

Biennale Arte 2022 ‘The Milk of Dreams’ exhibits in Venice until 27th November 2022. For more information, visit the official La Biennale di Venezia website.



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